Thursday, December 10, 2009

Isaac Playing with Activity Table

Sorry it's upside down!


We had planned on going to South Carolina for Thanksgiving this year, but our plans changed. Luke came down with the flu 1 1/2 weeks before Thanksgiving. He recovered, and then Isaac became sick with a fever a week later. We assumed Isaac had the flu, but it turned out to be Roseola after we had canceled our travel plans. Luke was able to go to Atlanta for the day though, and have Thanksgiving dinner with his family.
We had our Japanese students over for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner (thanks to Kroger).

We took our annual trip to Gaylord Opryland Hotel to see all the lights

Isaac got an early Christmas present from Grandpa and G-ma. He did a great job opening the package. It was a singing dog named Scout.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

He was a lion for Halloween! He doesn't look too scary
Bath time! His new thing is he won't sit still in the tub and insists on crawling the whole time. Not too safe


Isaac loved our trip to Phoenix to visit Adrianne and Chris. His favorite parts were the warm weather, swimming, shopping, and playing with her dog Stephie.
He was gnawing on a lemon at the restaurant and loving it!
Our pumpkins we carved

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Labor Day weekend white water rafting with Aunt Kristin, Adam, Jamie, and Samuel

Happy First Birthday Isaac!

He wasn't too sure about cake....

I guess it doesn't taste that bad

Luke surprised me and invited some friends and family to Red Robin for lunch after church to celebrate my birthday

Grandma, G-ma, & Grandpa came in to town to celebrate Isaac's birthday

Aunt Kim and Isaac looking at fish at the zoo. He loves his fish!

Isaac's first time at the fair. He didn't seem to enjoy the chickens too much

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Isaac is finally crawling!

Isaac just started crawling last week. Here's a video

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another Road Trip

We went to Iowa for a family reunion last week with my mom's side of the family. We stopped half-way and stayed in St. Louis for the night, and toured a little bit of the city. Isaac is still working on crawling. He is now saying "mama" and "dada". I'll try to catch him saying it and try to record it one of these days.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Pictures

Isaac loves to swim!
My sister Tammy with baby Madison, dad, & Isaac
Isaac and cousin Madison
Isaac with G-ma
Loving life at the beach!

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Month of May

We had quite a busy month, so it has taken me awhile to post some new pictures. But here they are with a summary of the month.
At Luke's cousin Deanna's wedding
We went to Hawaii for a week to visit friends on Oahu. We left Isaac behind with Luke's parents since it would have been a long flight for him

Luke & Colin surfing. I think that was Luke's favorite part of the trip
Nanna Jan came to visit for a weekend. We went to Opryland Hotel, shopping, and looked at some beautiful southern homes.
Sitting up like a big boy. We call it his big boy chair.
My grandfather Graber passed away last week. So we made a last minute trip to Iowa to be with family. Aunt Kristin enjoyed some quality Isaac time and gave him the new trendy outfit he is sporting in the picture
Isaac with his Greatgrandma Graber

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My parents, sister Tammy, and baby Madison came to visit for a week over Easter. We had a lot of fun taking the little ones to the zoo, downtown, farmer's market, and getting their pictures taken together. It was a full house!

Loving the zoo
Grandma with the grandchildren

Last weekend was the Country Music Marathon here in Nashville. We had my cousin Jenelle visit with six of her friends. We had a great time getting to know all of them. Luke ran the 1/2 marathon and did great. Isaac and I enjoyed watching everyone run the race from the side line and running the shuttle service.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Sorry it has been awhile since I have added pictures to my blog. My computer broke and I had to order a new one.

Passed out!
The boys having some quality guy time

I seem to get as much food in my mouth as on my face

Bath time

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Let the Feedings Begin

Isaac is now eating rice cereal daily and enjoying it. He not only enjoys eating it, but also blowing bubbles with it and getting it all over his face. A whole new adventure. I'm debating over whether I should make my own baby food or just buy it. The verdict is still out on that one.
My mom was here last week while Luke was in Las Vegas for a work trip. It was great to have an extra hand around the house. We were able to go on walks, shop, paint the office, and rearrange Isaac's room to make it more baby friendly. We patched up the holes in the wall in Isaac's room where the pictures were, but the paint didn't match. I'm not sure what happened. It was the same paint we used a year ago. I guess paint sometimes chantges over time with the sunlight. So I guess I made another project for myself.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I was able to visit my friends Steph, Brittany, and Erica in Washington D.C. over Valentine's Day weekend. I t was a lot of fun to catch up with them and see a few sites of D.C. We were able to see the National Cathedral and walk around Alexandria. It felt like it was a flashback to college, and I sometimes I had to remind myself that I had a little one back in Tennessee. I guess it's taking awhile to realize that I'm a mother.

Luke was able to hold down the fort at home with the help of his parents (G-ma & Grandad) and our family friend Joyce. Isaac enjoyed his time with them, and even rolled over for the first time while they were here.

Joyce & Grandad

Isaac had his four month checkup this past week. He was 14 pounds (16th percentile) and 26 inches long (71st percentile). He's a long and lean little guy. We are going to try rice cereal very soon now.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Changing Weather

It is amazing how one day it is 30 degrees here in Tennessee, and then a week later it is in the 70's. This past weekend it was in the 70's and we were able to go to the park for a walk. Sadly we know the weather will be chilly again very soon. Here is a picture of Isaac in his snowsuit, and then another taken when it was warm out. All he wore was his onsie and his new sun hat at the park yesturday.