Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Isaac wanted to be Thomas the Train this year for Halloween, and Micah got stuck being a giraffe because the costume had been too big for Isaac last year. 

So cute in the conductor hat!
Micah enjoying being a giraffe.....

....not enjoying the head dress that went along with the costume

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Fire Truck Birthday

The boys had a joint birthday party this year.  We toured the firehouse and got to sit in the trucks. The kids had a great time!  Isaac kept running around the trucks. 
Micah loves to talk about fire trucks, but he wasn't too keen on sitting in one.  He's all talk
Isaac's friend Sophia
Whenever you ask Micah what he wants for his birthday he says, "eat cake".  He got his wish!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

My sweet friend Megan met us at the park and took some great pictures of the boys.  She's got some talent!

Showing the diaper... my boys have problems keeping their pants on due to lack of butt


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Haiti Bound

I recently went to Haiti on a missions trip through the Hands and Feet Project.  I was there for a week and we spent most of the time at the orphanage hanging out with the children.  I attached a picture of the worship service that the kids had on Thursday evening.  Another picture I posted was of the group of guys at the orphanage that liked to play soccer every evening.  While we were there we also tore down a wall that the orphanage needed to be demolished.  Our group also spent some time spending money at local shops and restaurants to help the local economy.  It was a hot week, but God was in it and the kids enjoyed our visit. Thanks to all who supported me on my trip and prayed for our team as we were there.