Monday, May 20, 2013

The Third Muskateer is on His Way!

We are having another boy!  It has taken me awhile to get use to the idea of a third boy because I was utterly convinced that it was a girl.  Luke was not suprised.  He thinks he is only capable of having boys.  But after thinking about it I realized there are many positives of having another boy: I don't need too many new things for him, no redecorating needed, they can all play together, supposedly boys are easier in the teenage years, and there are many great Bible names to choose from (taking suggestions if you have any).

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Suprise! Another Little Aull on the Way

As many of you know, we are expecting another little Aull at the end of September.  Here are some answers to questions you may be thinking:
1.  Was this planned?
      - No.  God has a sense of humor. 
2.  What about the adoption?
     - We have decided to continue on in the adoption process.  The majority of our paperwork was already filed and we feel like God wants us to continue on.  We will not pick up our adopted child until next spring so there will be plenty of time to adjust to a new baby first.  More on this in another post.
3.  Are you crazy?
    - Clearly a little bit.  We do plan on hiring help around the house for at least the next year to help with cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.  With Isaac's food allergies, special needs, and Luke's work schedule it would be very difficult without some help.  So having some help makes it a bit less crazy I think.

This is what we gave our parents to tell them we were pregnant, they already knew we were in the adoption process.  My mom was a bit confused with it all and thought we were crazy.  She has since warmed up to the idea I think.  Luke's mom was just plain excited.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Milwaukee Museum

We took the kids to the Milwaukee Public Museum and had a great time.  The butterfly exhibit was the big hit! 

Saying hi to Barbara Manatee
Micah loves caves and tunnels!


"This museum has worn me out!"