Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Trip to Biltmore

Luke and I were able to take a getaway weekend trip to see the Biltmore a couple weeks ago.  It was a great break to hang out with just each other for a couple days.  The Biltmore was amazing to see.  It's hard to imagine they could build a house like that 100 years ago in the mountains.  I have no idea how they got all the supplies there to build it.

Building for just the gardens.

We stopped at Tennessee's new state park, Cummins Falls on the way back on a whim.  It is listed in the top 10 swimming holes in the US.  It was beautiful.  You can see Luke in the pictures climbing up the ledges by the falls.  It was a long round about hike down to the falls, so Luke decided it would be a better idea to scale up the side of a steep hill/cliff instead of taking the long way back on the trails.  This involved me grabbing on to tree vines to pull myself up the whole way and stating several times that this was a crazy idea.  Luke ended up saying this part of the trip was his favorite part.  Boys and adventure....