Friday, August 30, 2013

Baby Moon

We took a quick weekend baby moon trip to Memphis at the beginning of this month.  I had never been to Memphis before and wanted to see the city.  We went to the Memphis zoo to see the pandas, visited Graceland, ate barbeque, saw the ducks in the fountain at the Peabody Hotel, walked on Beale street, and road the trolley in downtown Memphis.  It was a relaxing, kid-free weekend!

Can't say that we are big Elvis fans but it was neat to see all his awards and records.

Pool at Graceland

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Splash Pad Fun

The boys love going to the downtown splash pad for some water fun!  We started the summer off with both boys being scared to swim in the water, and we are ending the summer with boys loving it.  Mission accomplished!

Monday, August 12, 2013


I decided to try to plant a garden this year.  I'm not sure what possessed me to plant one this year being fairly pregnant and all, but I couldn't get it out of my head that I needed to plant this year.  So the large pregnant woman has been out there hoeing, planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting her garden this summer.  Last year I didn't even attempt it, probably from the sense of failure I had from the previous year.  Two years ago I had planted a beautiful garden along our fence line since the area was already sectioned off with stones and looked like a perfect place for a garden.  Everything was growing and we were starting to get some produce when my neighbor decided it would be a great idea to spray some heavy duty weed killer along the fence line that killed every living plant including my whole garden.  So this year I planted far away from the neighbor.   I had someone come and plow up a large section in the back of our yard and got to work planting.  I was a bit over ambitious on the produce I attempted to grow, some of it thrived and some of it died rather quickly.  I guess I'm better off buying certain produce in the grocery store or farmers market
Plants that Thrived:  tomatoes, zucchini, squash, peppers, butternut squash, cucumbers, collard greens, basil
Plants that Died:  swiss chard, beets, kale