Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Random Pictures

Micah's first day of school at his Mother's Day Out Program this fall.  He goes two days a week

Isaac is going with Micah to his same Mother's Day Out program two mornings a week

Sometimes their classes have joint time together

Picking strawberries at the strawberry patch this summer

Rock climbing

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pregnancy Update

I am scheduled for an induction 2 weeks from Friday.  I am excited to not be pregnant soon!  It's been a hot summer running after two little boys.  I've had a couple complications along the way including hypertension and gestational diabetes, but so far everything has been controlled.  An answer to prayer!  I had no idea what I'd do if I was on bed rest with these wild little men. 
I'm not a huge fan of pregnancy pictures, so this is one of the only ones I have.  My sister Tammy is due 1 1/2 weeks before me. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Saint Louis

We met up with my sister Kristin & Adam in Saint Louis for the 4th of July weekend.  They have a camper, so we stayed at a KOA with them and rented this caboose cabin.  It looked a bit sketchy from the outside but was not bad in the inside.  It was the only cabin with a bathroom in it, so that was a no brainer for the pregnant lady.

The kids had a lot of fun at the zoo

They loved this water fountain with the elephant statue I think more than the actual elephants.

Boys being boys throwing rocks at the campground

One of the highlights of the trip was that both boys really got comfortable swimming in a pool.  Isaac use to enjoy swimming but after some traumatic swim lessons, he has been quite adamant about not wanting to swim.  Micah has always been timid in the water and a cling on.  Uncle Adam and Luke worked their swimming magic

We went to the City Museum.  It's an interactive museum for kids and adults with amazing architectural elements, along with a fun house and playground aspects.

I definitely made Luke go after Isaac on this narrow slide

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Micah Singing

Micah started singing whole songs in the last couple months.  Hopefully he will develop a sense of pitch with time.  This is his favorite song, "Jesus Loves Me".  If this song comes on in the car, he drops whatever snack/drink is in his hand and starts swaying and singing.