Saturday, February 28, 2009

I was able to visit my friends Steph, Brittany, and Erica in Washington D.C. over Valentine's Day weekend. I t was a lot of fun to catch up with them and see a few sites of D.C. We were able to see the National Cathedral and walk around Alexandria. It felt like it was a flashback to college, and I sometimes I had to remind myself that I had a little one back in Tennessee. I guess it's taking awhile to realize that I'm a mother.

Luke was able to hold down the fort at home with the help of his parents (G-ma & Grandad) and our family friend Joyce. Isaac enjoyed his time with them, and even rolled over for the first time while they were here.

Joyce & Grandad

Isaac had his four month checkup this past week. He was 14 pounds (16th percentile) and 26 inches long (71st percentile). He's a long and lean little guy. We are going to try rice cereal very soon now.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Changing Weather

It is amazing how one day it is 30 degrees here in Tennessee, and then a week later it is in the 70's. This past weekend it was in the 70's and we were able to go to the park for a walk. Sadly we know the weather will be chilly again very soon. Here is a picture of Isaac in his snowsuit, and then another taken when it was warm out. All he wore was his onsie and his new sun hat at the park yesturday.