Thursday, February 24, 2011

Micah's Surgery Update

Micah's surgery went great yesterday and he is recovering well. He is quite the little trooper! His lip and nose look like they are healing well. We are having to feed him with a syringe, so it is a slow process. He is staying in the hospital tonight, but we are hoping to bring him home tomorrow.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Surgery this Week

This is one of the last pictures of Micah with his cleft lip. He is having his lip repair surgery this week on Wednesday. Keep him in your prayers that he does well and recovers quickly

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

T-Ball Practice

Isaac practicing his t-ball skills

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Isaac and Luke got to go to the circus because some friends had two extra tickets.

Meal Time

Sometimes meal times get a bit chaotic if both boys want to eat exactly at the same time. On this occasion Micah was seeming to become heavier and heavier as I held him while Isaac ate at the table. So I decided to just lay him on the table and feed him while Isaac ate. You can see what happened to Micah

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2 Months Old

Micah's 2 Month Stats:
Weight- 13 pounds 77 %ile
Height- 24 inches 92 %ile

Isaac was a much smaller baby, so Micah growing so much in 2 months is uncharted territory for me. I couldn't figure out why his diapers and clothes were too small, but after the doctor's visit my questions have been answered. He needs size 2 diapers and 6 month clothing.

Fall Creek Falls Getaway

Aunt Kristin was sweet to volunteer to watch the boys for a night while Luke and I got to go to Fall Creek Falls. It was a great hike. I wasn't sure if I was going to make the climb back up. Pregnancy has a way of making you totally out of shape.