Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Are you really going through that drawer again?

Isaac's favorite drawer in the kitchen is the one with plastic utensils and plates. He goes through it numerous times a day and empties it on the floor. I'm getting tired of finding spoons all over the house, so I just replaced most of the drawer's contents with toys and other random kitchen items. Now I'll have other things to pick up instead of the utensils.


Red said...

Hey Girl!!! Looks like your little guy is growin up! Guess that's what they do. ;) Anyways, we need to catch up, it's been too long. Don't know if you saw but we are for sure more permanently moving and back to Oregon!

Steph L. said...

Catching up on your blog :)
I love this one...I had my own "drawer" in our kitchen growing up. It was full of tupperware. My mom said she spent hours picking up/recleaning tupperware everyday, but didn't mind because that was the only drawer I was allowed in - better than getting into the knives right? :) Hope you all have a wonderful Easter! Love ya!