Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring Break in Wisconsin

The boys and I flew to Wisconsin to visit family over Isaac's spring break.  The flight there was a bit rocky with Micah.  Micah loves to run around the house with minimal clothing these days.  So the minute he spilt juice on shirt on the plane he was trying to strip down.  Not appropriate on a plane of course.  So as I tried to keep him from taking off his clothes he kept yelling, "I'm wet, I just want to be naked", at the top of his lungs over and over.  But we made it there, clothes and all, and had a great time once we got settled in.
We celebrated Cousin Maddy's 5th birthday

Maddy and Micah were quite the team... making a mess with water

Painting class with Aunt Jan, mom, Kristin
Isaac wanted to eat all the easter eggs, no decorate them

Micah's first Chuck E Cheese experience.  He loved it and always mentions that Chuck E' loves cheese anytime he eats cheese now

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